Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Art works (?) on Beppu streets 別府のマンホールの蓋には季節の花が!

As I walk along Beppu streets, I've noticed most of manhole lids have flowers.
I thought this is interesting. So, I've taken pictures of some of them.

Manhole lid---azalea

Manhole lid---December flowers "camellia and ornamental cabbage"
Manhole lid---azalea omurasaki

Manhole lid---July flowers "rose of Sharon and Salvia"

Manhole lid---November flowers "sasanqua camellia and chrysanthemum"

Manhole lid---January flowers "Japanese allspice and common marigold"

Fire hydrant---azalea

Friday, February 24, 2017

Decorative Sushi Roll Making

I had decorative sushi making classes with friends at two occasions.

This is so much fun!
Here are some photos.

We put these parts together to make "ribbon sushi"
We are working hard. Some "ribbon sushi" are finished.
We are happy to have made beautiful "deco sushi rolls." 
We made "panda sushi" and "plum blossom sushi"
Eating "panda sushi" and "plum blossom sushi"